Greentree Ecologically Friendly
Siler City, Chatham County,
North Carolina
Home Mission Statement:
To build a lived-in Project Home
that is green, energy efficient, healthy
and provides a unique reflection of how building products
and materials work in real-life
situations. Test results
will be posted on website.
home will feature:
- Hydronic radiant
floor heat powered
by a water stove
using wood and
alternative fuel;
- Domestic hot
water will be
heated by the
water stove using
wood and alternative
- The water systems
will be both potable
and non-potable
to conserve natural
resources and
take advantage
of rainwater.
A separate rainwater
recovery system
will catch stormwater
in a cistern for
landscape needs
and to flush the
- Quality construction
for long term durability.
- Green building
materials to minimize
off gassing and
improve IAQ (Indoor
Air Quality) and
cut the dependency
on chemically
treated products.
- Ecologically
friendly developing
using design technologies
that have the
least impact on
the environment.
Click here to find out how
and why Project Home was
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to watching Project Home being built
Click here for Index of
Construction Phases